Here is a short list of organizations, websites,
books, and other resources I've found helpful
for promoting rights, equality, and inclusivity.



Native American Human Rights Resources

Advance Native American Human Rights

You can help advance and protect Native American Human Rights. Here's how.

Access  Native American Human Rights Resources



Adoption and Adoptee Rights and Resources

Defend Adoption and Adoptee Rights

These resources will help you build and strengthen your family and secure your rights as an adoptee, adoptive parent, or adoptive family.

Read Adoption and Adoptee Rights and Resources



Racial and Ethnic Equality Resources

Support Racial and Ethnic Equality

Racism and discrimination are still rampant today. With these resources, you can be a force for equality and change.

Resources for Racial and Ethnic Equality



Religious Freedom Resources

Promote Religious Freedom

Few rights are as fundamental as the right to religious freedom. Use these resources to help make religious freedom a reality.

Resources for Religious Freedom



GLBT Rights & Equality

Advocate for GLBT Rights and Equality

Love knows no bounds. With these resources, you can help promote GLBT rights and equality.

Resources for GLBT Rights & Equality



Children's Rights Resources

Protect Children's Rights

Childhood sets the stage for the rest of a person's life. Help make a better tomorrow by defending children's rights today.

Access Children's Rights Resources



Got a new resource? I'd love to hear about it. Please contact me.